Try three completely different meals that revolve around one large meat bird (plus a bonus breakfast) ! With less than 30 minutes of active prep time per dinner, you'll find all the fixings to feed yourself and family on 3 separate nights. You'll also find that you can spend an hour-and-a-half at one time, and have three delicious dinners ready for the busy nights of the week. Instructions and recipes are included. Meals consist of:
Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast in Festival Acorn Squash Bowls
Chicken Spaghetti with Homemade Tomato Sauce and Amish Noodles
Chicken and Pumpkin Soup with Hearty Whole Grain Pilaf
1 dozen eggs
Buckwheat pancake mix
Chai Tea
You'll also get a few extra accouterments, like:
A loaf of bread that is yet to be invented,
Spice and herb packets
You'll need to supply lemon juice, oil, salt, and pepper. You might want milk and butter.
Each dinner should be enough for two adults and and 2 children, or two adult dinners plus a lunch or two the next day. Call it 9 - 12 meals. You'll find there's more than enough squash and onions to make the meals stretch. In all cases there should be no less than a quarter pound of meat per person per meal. That's net weight before cooking. In most cases there will be substantially more. If you are feeding a large family or teenage boys, you may want to purchase an additional broiler.
Breakfast is adequate for 1 large breakfast of 4 people, including buckwheat pancakes, eggs your way, chai tea, and maybe even French Toast if you let your bread go stale.