Quality Naturally Raised Foods From Our Family To Yours!
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We provide you with the tastiest, healthiest, everythingest food possible.  If you think your food should be environmentally friendly, humanely harvested, free from pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and just plain good, then come see what we're about. 

Our CSA model mixes the best of fresh greens, orchard fruits, and annual summer crops with pastured poultry, free-range eggs, and the finest heirloom meats with the tastiest original recipes for breads, sweets, and preserves. 

Do you want your food to be supplied using the best from regenerative agriculture, permaculture, and organic agriculture?  Look no further---no wait--keep looking through these pages.  I want to share with you how the Ugly Ostrich combines pragmatic farming with practices that are good for the critters and good for Mother Nature in ways that makes our food beyond compare.







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The funny thing about raising meat birds is that you can't do it without eggs.  Our eggs come principally from 3 heirloom chicken varieties that have old-school genes and instincts.  There's nothing GMO here, no weird hybrids that Mother Nature wouldn't approve of, no unnecessary medication, just sunshine fresh air.  Our hens live alternately in cage free pens in the great outdoors and in chicken tractors on pasture and garden beds.  All spaces are designed first for the chickens happiness and well being, and second to make them work horses in a regenerative agriculture model. Surplus eggs sell fast, try them here today!


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